Can I add new user to manage company's bank account?

Can I add new user to manage company's bank account?

While filling the application, you can add authorized representatives and managers.

If the authorized representative is not a managing director of the company in that case we require a Power of Attorney with a 3-month-old apostille.

Please note that the apostille/legalization may be older if the Power of Attorney or resolution of Directors (if directors have not changed) is valid.

If after onboarding you want to add a new users to manage the account and payments, please note that they must be an authorized representatives, i.e. a Power of Attorney must be issued for each person to take actions with the corporate account for legal reasons. If such a proxy authorization exists, please contact your account manager or our support team by using the chat or writing to and providing he following information:
  1. e-mail
  2. phone number
  3. document supporting right to represent

We will proceed to add a new user to your account manually. They will receive notification to join the platform using the e-mail and phone number provided. After that, they will be required to identify themselves online (ID card/passport + selfie) and will get access to the assigned account.

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